The Church of St. Michael the Archangel is a one-nave wooden Gothic building made of logs, is covered with shingles and tin and has a tower with a pillar structure. The interior of the temple is decorated with a beautiful polychrome from the 16th and 17th centuries depicting scenes from the New Testament and views of Biecz at that time, among other things. During its history, the church was renovated several times: in 1641, at the beginning of the 19th century, and in 1953–1956. The church is a valuable UNESCO World Heritage Site. The structure in Binarowa is not only a beautiful example of wooden sacral architecture but also a place of special Marian worship. On its left side altar, there is the famously miraculous painting of the Virgin Mary with Child (Our Lady of Piasek). The painting, measuring 54 x 41 cm, was painted with oil on canvas. It comes from the 17th century and is a copy of the miraculous painting of Our Lady of Piasek from the Carmelite church in Kraków. It is difficult to determine its authorship today. Who donated it and when was it placed in the church is also unknown. There are several opinions on this subject. One posits that the painting was donated by King Jan Karzimierz, while another, more likely one says it was gifted by the Carmelite Order, which promoted the cult of Our Lady of Piasek and had a monastery in nearby Jasło. The first mention of the worship of the miraculous painting comes from the 18th century. From files on the general visitation of the Biecz deanery in 1767, it can be concluded that silver crowns were placed on the heads of the Child and Mary, meaning that a so-called 'private coronation' took place. Strings of pearls were hanged as votive offerings. These votive offerings were modest but it should be remembered that the wars in the 17th century and the so-called 'northern war' (18th century) devastated vast areas of the Polish Republic, which caused the deep impoverishment of the population. The cult of the Madonna of Binarów was significantly suppressed during the nation's captivity but did not completely disappear. Throughout this time, there was an unshaken conviction among the local Catholics about the miraculous nature of the Our Lady of Piasek painting in their church. It has survived to this day. In recent years, the long-time Binarowa parish priest (1959–1992), Władysław Oleksiak, greatly contributed to the revival and promotion of the cult of Our Lady of Binarów. The enduring nature of Her cult is evidenced by numerous votive offerings, the so-called Book of Graces describing graces received through Her intercession, and the distinctive kind of Marian piety that is typical in such sanctuaries.
Based on ‘Binarowskie Sanktuarium Matki Bożej’ (‘Sanctuary of the Virgin Mary in Binarowa’) by Father Andrzej Motyka.