Meeting of Cultures Centre, Dąbrowa Tarnowska


Of note are fragments of three inscriptions from different historical periods (time of construction, 1860s, modernisation in the 1930s) and a plafond introducing the most important idea of Judaism and Christianity – messianism. Swallows holding a branch in their beaks, which forms a circle, is a motif repeated in the central painting of the Prayer Room showing the Leviathan. The symbolic motif of swallows may connect to the importance of Hasidic Jews in the Dąbrowa Jewish community throughout the 19th and 20th centuries (until 1939). On the walls above the entrance to the main room of the Meeting of Cultures Centre’s permanent exhibition are images of gryphons commemorating the guardians of the Jerusalem Temple and a Hebrew inscription: ‘This is the place where God dwells’. To the left, next to the window, are the kiyors – basins used for ritual hand washing before entering the synagogue. Next to them are the original benches from the last Tarnów shtiebel (Jewish Prayer House), owned by Abraham Ladner.

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