Vault, Collegium Maius, Kraków

In the treasure rooms of Collegium Maius, the most valuable of the University’s memorabilia are displayed. The tradition of gathering University collections dates back to the 15th century and continues to this day. Thanks to the generosity of the Jagiellonian University donors, professors and alumni, you may now admire extraordinary works of art, handicrafts, scientific instruments, as well as mementoes of eminent and famous figures.

In the safe of the First Treasury, among other valuables there are insignia of the rector’s office and replicas of the University foundation and restoration acts. The reproductions, based on the pictures of the original documents, were made by Tadeusz Przypkowski.

On the other side of the room, there is a beautifully decorated table from the period of King John III Sobieski. The inlays on the top of the table are made of silver and present Mars and Venus on a triumphal cart pulled by two putti. The third putto carries the god’s oval shield, while Cupid aims with a bow at the pair on the cart.


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