Oskar Schindler's Enamelware Factory, Kraków

Teren obozu koncentracyjnego Plaszow

Oskar Schindler's Enamelware Factory is part of the Kraków Museum's Memory Trail. It includes branches of the Museum dealing with the history of Kraków during the Second World War: Pomorska Street, Schindler's Factory, ‘Pod Orłem’ Pharmacy, KL Plaszow Memorial Site. The Pomorska Street branch is located in the building of the former seat of the Gestapo. Inscriptions made by prisoners have survived in the cells of the jail, and in the former canteen is a permanent exhibition titled ‘Cracovians in the Face of Terror, 1939 – 1945 – 1956’. Schindler's Factory presents the history of the occupied city. The ‘Pod Orłem’ pharmacy tells the story of the ghetto, and the pharmacy inside it run by Tadeusz Pankiewicz, who was recognised as ‘Righteous Among the Nations’ after the war. The area of the former Plaszow concentration camp is located about 3 km from the museum. In 1943, Jews from the Kraków ghetto were resettled in the camp. Plaszow also had a labour camp for Poles. The camp operated until early 1945. The KL Plaszow site today has a memorial and an outdoor.

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