A painting depicting the Mother of God with Jesus as a child is located in the main altar. Since the Middle Ages, this painting is where the local population and visiting pilgrims have been making requests, supplications, giving thanks and experiencing miracles for which votive offerings displayed in the presbytery have been made as a token of gratitude. This 15th-century painting by an unknown artist is classified as an example of the Krakow school. It has been worshipped as miraculous since the 17th century and September 8 celebrated as the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the date of the annual parish festival. 17th-century sketches depicting the Mother of God are evidence of the cult of the Mother of God from Płoki. The painting is mentioned in reports from bishops’ visits to Płoki. In 1728, Bishop M. Kunicki called the painting ‘imago gratiosa’, i.e. miraculous, and 19th-century documents available in the parish describe the painting as ‘imago miraculosa’. The velvet background cover was taken off the painting during the conservation work in 1977. It was noticed than that the painting got an engraved and gilded Baroque background in the 17th century to replace an older Gothic one. It was initially painted using the medieval tempera technique on three 150 mm thick linden planks connected with special slats but the image was repainted using oil paints in the 17th century. It depicts the Mother of God holding Child Jesus with her left arm. This is one of the oldest paintings of the Mother of God in the Polish lands, venerated in an uninterrupted manner since its creation.
Miraculous Painting of the Mother of God, Płoki