Servant of God Rev. Michał Rapacz Płoki

Servant of God Rev. Michał Rapacz was the local parish priest; He was born on 16 September 1904 in Tenczyn near Lubień. He 1926 r. entered the Seminary in Krakow in 1926 and was ordained in 1931. His first parish was in Płoki parish and the next one was in Rajcza near Żywiec. He was sent to Płoki again in November 1937 and stayed there as a parish priest till his death. He demanded a lot both from himself and from his parish. ‘What I cannot do on my own the Mother of God will help me get done’ was his motto. On the night of 11-12 May 1946, he was shot by a group of people describing themselves as ‘partisans’. The perpetrators have never been found. A cross marks the locus of the murder.


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