The hut from Podolsze dates back to 1862. It initially stood in Podolsze near Wadowice. It belonged to a wealthy landlord, village leader Jan Drzyżdżyk. Gaps between beams are filled with clay and painted blue. Above the entrance door is the Easter palm which was believed to have great power. It was believed that one could avert spells and dangers with it, it was a symbol of life that brought good luck and prosperity to the house. To the left is a ‘white’ room. Its décor is typical for the celebration of the Easter, with the table set for the festive meal and ‘święconka’ (food blessed in church) prepared in baskets. The amount of food brought to the church to be blessed used to be the amount that was actually eaten during the holiday. It is only since World War II that symbolic amounts have been brought for blessing. The blessing was held in front of a church or manor for the entire parish. Opposite, a bread room can be seen with a white bread oven. Baking equipment is collected next to it. There is a kneading trough in which the dough was kneaded, wicker and straw moulds to shape the loaves, a ‘pociosek’ used for removing the embers, a ‘pomietło’ for cleaning the inside of the oven and a bread shovel for inserting and removing the bread. The work started with the preparation of the sourdough made of flour and warm water, which was left in the trough standing in a warm place overnight. On the following day the landlady would add spices such as caraway or poppy seeds and prepare the bread oven. It had to be heated and cleaned inside with a ‘pociosek’ used to scrape the hot embers out and a ‘pomietło’ with which the interior of the oven was rinsed. After that, breads put into moulds were placed on a bread shovel and put in the oven. The baking lasted from 1.5 to 2 hours. The landlady used the sourdough leftovers to bake flatbreads called ‘podpłomyk’, which were a treat for children. To the right is a kitchen with the washing and ironing equipment on display. The oldest pieces of equipment include a washing paddle, i.e., a piece of wood with a handle used for manual washing of clothes in a stream or a lake. A tin tub with a washboard stands on a stool opposite the stove. A washboard is a piece of a wide plank with transverse corrugations for the clothing to be rubbed upon. A washboard was leaned diagonally against the edge of the tub and a special clip prevented it from sliding inwards. Washing on the washboard was one of the heavier household chores so the landlady used her elder daughters to help out. Against the wall to the right is a bathing corner consisting of a white metal basin on a wooden stand. Next to it is a white metal vat with a cover for water storage. A wooden hanger with two pegs on the wall has a tapestry with embroidered ‘Dzień dobry’ (Good Day) hanging from it. Next to the tub with the washboard is a wooden ‘kiwaczka’ washing machine shaped like a boat supported by four legs. Such a machine was set into motion with a lever. The first such washing machines belonged to the wealthiest peasant families. The purchase of such a washing machine showed the husband's special concern for his wife. Next to the table is a large wooden washing machine on three metal legs. It has a wringer on top. There is a rotor inside that was set into motion with a wooden lever attached to the side of the machine.
Hut from Podolsze