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Jewish cemetery in Nowy Wiśnicz

Jewish cemetery in Nowy Wiśnicz

Kilka macew (betonowych tablic), przechylonych w różne strony, z napisami, na trawie w rzędach. Z tyłu drzewa.

ul. Żydowska, 32-720 Nowy Wiśnicz Tourist region: Pogórza

Currently, in Nowy Wiśnicz we can see the Jewish cemetery, which was first mentioned in historical sources from 14.06.1641.
The oldest macebas come from 1667. In the cemetery, inhabitants of other towns such as Czchów and Gdów were buried. To this day, about 250 macebas with rich ornamentation have been preserved. In the cemetery, Rabbis and soldiers of Jewis origin, killed in World War I, were buried.

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