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Ruiny zamku Ojców

Ruins of the Gothic fortress Ojców

Na wprost idąc po ścieżce, omijając wysokie skały po lewej,  stoi brama wjazdowa z podniesionymi kratami, z łukiem. Nad nią małe okienko i herb - biały orzeł na czerwonym tle. Dach niski. Za bramą drzewo. Po prawej w dole drzewa. W tle zalesione wzgórza. Na niebie kilka cienkich chmur.

Ojców 9, 32-045 Sułoszowa Tourist region: Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska

tel. +48 123892005
Legend has it that the name “Ojców” came to be thanks to King Cashimir the Great.

The castle, built on his order, was supposed to be named “father by the rock”, referring to the events from the life of his father Władysław Łokietek, who was supposed to have hidden in the Prądnik Valley during his fights for Kraków with the Czech king. There is a grain of truth in the legend: the construction of the stone castle on the spot of a former fortified settlement was ordered by King Casimir the Great. It was one of the most important fortresses on Polish Jurrasic Highland. The starosta of Ojców had his seat here, and the castle was inhabited until the end of the 18th century (the last Polish king Stanisław August Poniatowski was a guest here as late as in 1787), but the building fell into ruin following the partition of Poland. Fragments of walls and of one of the towers survived until today, as did the gate tower that houses a small museum chamber.


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