Necropoles and cemeteries

Drewniany krzyż na cmentarzu
W Małopolsce znajdziemy wiele miejsc skłaniających do zadumy, które przypominają o tych, którzy już odeszli. Często są to nekropolie zabytkowe, jedne większe, inne małe i zapomniane. Na wielu z nich spotkamy wspaniałe przykłady architektury i rzeźby sepulkralnej. Dzieła te tworzyli wybitni architekci i rzeźbiarze.

In Małopolska, you will find a lot of places creating a pensive mood, reminding of those who have already passed away. Often, they are historic necropoles, some are bigger, some are small and forgotten. In many of them, we will find wonderful examples of sepulchral architecture and sculpture. These works were created by eminent architects and sculptors. A special place are the Wawel Crypts with the graves of the Polish kings and the National Pantheon in the basement of the church in Skałka. The oldest cemetery in Krakow is the Rakowicki Cemetery. Many famous artists, people of science and culture, social and political activists rest here and in the military part we may find the graves of Polish and foreign soldiers. Here, there is also the grave of the parents and brother of Blessed John Paul II. In the Małopolskie Region, there are many places where we can find the graves of soldiers killed in World War I and II or graves of murdered Roma. Next to the Catholic cemeteries in the region, there are numerous burial places of followers of other religions - Jewish cemeteries (e.g. Krakow, Nowy Sącz, Tarnów, Chrzanów, and many others) or Protestant cemeteries (e.g. in Łuczanowice). By visiting these sites, we must keep in mind that this is the holy land and people resting there must be respected.

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