Africa, Ethiopian, and Madagascan Regions

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It includes the African continent south of the Tropic of Cancer and the coastal strip of the Arabian Peninsula. Madagascar is often included in the Ethiopian region but its fauna is so different that, according to many experts, it deserves to be separated into its own Madagascan region.

The African giant swallowtail (Papilio antimachus) with a wingspan of 18 to 23 centimetres is the largest butterfly in Africa and one of the largest in the world. It lives in the tropical rainforests of West and Central Africa. The area it inhabits stretches from Angola and Cameroon to the Ivory Coast and Sierra Leone. The butterfly has no natural enemies as it is highly toxic.

Chrysiridia rhipheus – the Madagascan sunset moth is one of the most spectacular insects in the world. The colour of its wings is not a result of their pigment but originates from optical interference. The numerous long tails of the butterfly suggest antennae and can be broken off during a predator's attack, thus protecting the butterfly's life. The female lays around 80 eggs. The caterpillars are yellow-white with black spots and red legs. They feed on the poisonous Omphalea plant. The pupal stage lasts from 17 to 23 days.

The Madagascan moon moth (Argema mittrei) is found in the rainforests of Madagascar. The female lays 120–170 eggs. The adult form (butterfly) does not eat and lives no longer than 4–5 days. The colourful dots and long tails on the lower wings probably deter predators from attacking the delicate body of the butterfly.

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