Alcove, Szymbark Castle

The alcove in the right corner of the room has an interior arrangement identical to the other one: the windows make it easier to observe the surrounding area, there is an opening for the arquebus, a ‘locum secretum’ and a fireplace. However, the polychrome displays different colours and painting motifs. Rusty red and military motifs prevail. The colours refer to the legend of an unfaithful Gładysz woman who allegedly killed her husband here after his return from a war expedition. His blood gushed onto the wall leaving an indelible stain. Note the opening in the stone floor. Through it, you can see a cylindrical room several metres high. It was probably a punishment room, i.e., a prison in the bastion, but it is also assumed that it might have been used as a treasury or a place for storing ashes.

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