Walking trail, blue: Biecz – Belna Dolna – Belna Górna – Wójtowa – Lipinki – Rozdziele – Ferdel. Time: 4 hours. http://www.biecz.pl/asp/pl_start.asp?typ=13&menu=201&dzialy=201&akcja=artykul&artykul=6124
The Wine Cycling Trail leads through areas associated with the medieval wine trade; its length within the Biecz municipality is 12 km.
The Royal Cycling Trail includes historical places where kings stayed or rode through; its length within the Biecz municipality is 5 km.
TOURIST TRAILS: guided tours by appointment by phone or email. The trails begin at the start of the summer season (May).
1. ‘Literary Biecz’ – Marcin Kromer, Wacław Potocki, Stanisław Wyspiański. Start of the trail: Kromerówka Museum, 3 Kromera Street. Trail length: approx. 3 km, time: 2 hours.
2. Executions trail ‘Tam do kata...’, time: approx. 2 hours.
3. ‘War cemeteries – a sad memento of the Great War’, time: approx. 2 hours. http://www.muzeum.biecz.pl/zwiedzanie/trasy-turystyczne/