Orthodox Church, Bodaki

Cerkiew prawosławna - ikonostas

The Orthodox Church of St. Demetrius of Thessaloniki was built in 1932. The temple has log walls with vertical boarding with laths. The church is built on a three-part plan with a triangularly enclosed chancel with a gable roof. The present Bodaki is the former village of Przegonina, while Bodaki itself was just a hamlet of that village. Przegonina is mentioned for the first time in 1581, as a royal village of the Bieckie starostwo. In 1880, it had 54 households and 218 residents. From the time of Tomasz Polański, the village was part of the parish in Bartne. Taking the example of Bartne, on March 24, 1928, the residents of Przegonina collected signatures of people who asserted their return to the Orthodox Church. On April 1, 1928, they submitted a declaration of entering the Orthodox Church to the Powiat Starostwo (county office) in Gorlice. On May 13, the residents of Bodaki submitted similar declarations. Initially, the congregation attended services in Bartne. According to church data from December 1, 1928, there were 232 Orthodox Christians in Przegonina and 73 in Bodaki. The consecration of the cornerstone for the construction of a church (performed by priest Andronik Laszuk from Bartne) only took place on the 1st of September 1932 with the blessing of Metropolitan Dionizy. The funds for the construction came from the villagers and compatriots residing in America. Wasyl Frencko, a local carpenter and sołtys (head official) of the village, was supposed to be the builder of this modest temple. Until the Second World War and after the returns from Operation Vistula, the church in Bodaki was attended by Orthodox Christians from the villages of Rozdziele and Wapienne. In 1945-47, the population was displaced to Ukraine and to western Poland, and the parish property was taken over by the state treasury. From that point, the church served as a barn. After some of the residents returned to their native village in 1957, it began to hold services and was gradually renovated. Although the church is quite modestly furnished, you can see the Byzantine-style iconostasis, historical tabernacle, Epitaphios, and several banners.


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