Jewish room

One of the most valuable collections in the Museum is the Judaica collection, which aims to showcase the material and spiritual culture of a community that accounted for more than half of the city's population before the Second World War. At the core of the collection are items related to religious worship, both in synagogues (two Torah scrolls, parts of ritual dress, parochets - curtains for the Torah Ark) and in private homes (tallits - prayer shawls, atarahs - tallit collars, tefillin - prayer boxes, numerous candelabra: eight-branched Hanukkah lights, seven-branched menorahs, besamims - tower-shaped censers, etrog fruit carriers - including a pomegranate-shaped one made in Naumburg, dishware: Seder plates, Kiddush cups, drink glasses). The exhibition is completed by everyday objects, archival materials, and paintings, including not only those by local painters (Jan Chwastowski and Władysław Bytomski) but also by Artur Markowicz, Michał Pociecha, and Gustaw Rogalski.

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