The Open-Air Museum of Wooden Folk Architecture in Dobczyce is part of the Polish Tourist and Sightseeing Society’s Władysław Kowalski Regional Museum in Dobczyce. It is the second object telling the story of the region’s past, next to the royal castle. It consists of historical wooden buildings and is part of the Wooden Architecture Trail in Małopolska; it was renovated thanks to the Skansenova – Systemic Care of the Heritage in Małopolska Museums in the Open Air’ project. In the inn, we can see several themed exhibitions. The first is the corner annexe (‘alkierz’) that shows the appearance of a burgher’s chamber which has displays of the typical clothes of Dobczyce burghers. Next, you can visit an old kitchen, known as the ‘dark room’ (or ‘black room’), where among other things you can see, a Christmas carol nativity scene with movable puppets, a Christmas star, a Turoń (a bull-like doll with a moveable jaw) that young people carried from house to house in the Christmas period, and kitchen equipment from the past. The last exhibition presents occupations in the Dobczyce of days gone by: pottery, shoemaking, tailoring, weaving, carpentry, and wickerwork.
Tavern, Open-Air Museum, Dobczyce
Wednesday, 29 May 2019