Wojciech Weiss Calvary Route

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The Wojciech Weiss Calvary Route is a proposal to visit Kalwaria Zebrzydowska following the footsteps of Wojciech Weiss and his wife, Aneri. It is a two-loop hiking and car route. The A loop is dedicated to hikers and invites to follow the footsteps of Wojciech Weiss by the Calvary paths. The B loop runs through the less well-known corners of Kalwaria Zebrzydowska and nearby Zebrzydowice, and is recommended for tourist with car.

Wojciech Weiss (1875–1950) was an outstanding painter and graphic artist, student, professor and rector of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. Born in emigration in Romania, he began studying in Lviv, from where he moved to Krakow to be linked to this city for the rest of his life. The second place which was inextricably associated with his work was Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, where he lived and painted in a house surrounded by a orchard at ul. Jagiellońska.

The total time needed for entire loop is approximately 120 minutes. Route: Market Square – Crafts House – Wojciech Weiss House – Figure of St Florian – ZEBRZYDOWICE: Parish cemetery – Church of St Michael the Archangel – Brothers Hospitallers Convent of St Florian – KALWARIA ZEBRZYDOWSKA: railway station Kalwaria Zebrzydowska – Market Square. The A loop invites to follow the footsteps of Wojciech Weiss by the Calvary paths. It is a pedestrian route that lasts about 90 minutes. Market Square – Monastery of the Bernardine Fathers — Pilate Town Hall — Bridge over Kidron — Crucifixtion Hill — Monastery of the Bernardine Fathers.

Portret autorstwa W. Weissa

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