The entrance hall is divided into two parts. In one, on a console table with a mirror, next to a porcelain figure from the 20th century is a silver tray with visiting cards left by guests. More important, however, is what is usually found in a room like this one. There is a clothing rack, a Parisian travel case, and a wardrobe piled high with suitcases, valises, wheeled racks, and hat boxes. Next to the hanger is a shoehorn, a device used to help take off shoes. In the corner hide skis, skates, a Christmas tree stand, some bags and boxes, in a word, an ordinary, cramped and somewhat cluttered entrance hall, characteristic of Kraków's houses. The curtain protects the entrance to the house from both cold and noise, and the horseshoe nailed over the threshold ensures good luck.
Entrance Hall, Hipolit House, Kraków