Side Chapel in the Church, Lanckorona

The church’s side chapel was built in 1712–1713. It has a late-Baroque altar with twisting columns. In the centre are two paintings with Madonnas, the older one (on a slider) with Our Lady of the Rosary from 1666, the other with Mary and the Child accompanied by St. Dominic and St. Catherine of Siena. The upper part of the painting shows the figure of St. Jack in a habit. The chapel houses one of the two oldest paintings in the Lanckorona parish church – an early 17th-century depiction of Christ on the Cross with adoring saints – St. Stanisław the Bishop with Piotrowin, Archangel Michael, and St. Martin. The vault of the chapel is crowned with a beautiful polychrome painting of the mysteries of the rosary, the Annunciation, the Visitation, the Assumption, the Resurrection, and, in the central part of the vault, the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The church also houses a contemporary copy of the so-called Christ of Lanckorona. It is an Ecce Homo-type portrayal of Jesus – Christ in the crown of thorns suffering the flagellation. The 17th-century original version of this depiction was given to the Kalwaria sanctuary when it was under construction.

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