Paderewski’s Park, Kąśna Dolna

Paderewski’s manor is surrounded by a 16-hectare English-style park. Among the deciduous trees growing here, the most numerous are lindens and oaks. There are also birches, acacias, willows, chestnuts, hornbeams, ash trees and, of the coniferous trees, spruces, larches, and pines. There are also rare specimens such as Serbian spruce, red-leaved oak, coniferous oak, overhanging ash, Canadian pine, broad-leaved linden, and cedar. Particularly valuable are the old trees, especially the three-hundred-year-old oaks. The park is adjacent to a larger forest complex and is therefore a refuge for many representatives of Polish fauna. Of note are the pied flycatchers and the middle spotted woodpeckers. The Kąśna pond is regularly visited by goosanders and grey herons, and occasionally – great egrets. Among the rich entomofauna, the Jersey tiger butterfly (Euplagia quadripunctaria) – a Natura 2000 Habitats Directive species – stands out.

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