The next room was divided into two parts. The first shows the furnishings of a small burgher living room. Among the exhibits are a Louis Philippe-style sofa and bergère from the mid-19th century, made of cherry wood. Small everyday objects are arranged on the sideboards. Also on display in this part of the exhibition are antique toys made by hand by local craftsmen and a wicker pram from the late 19th century. The living room is a space for a small gallery. It showcases paintings of the townspeople, including a portrait of Mayor Antoni Hałatek painted by Józef Pochwalski. The gallery also contains oil paintings of the town, one of which is a painting by the well-known painter Jan Grabowski. On the other side, in a niche, is the interior of a photographic studio from the first half of the 20th century. In addition to photographic equipment, photographs and postcards depicting Kęty and its residents are exhibited here. This part of the permanent exhibition is complemented by a screen on which the museum’s photographic collection is presented.
Burgher Living Room and Photography Studio