The Church of St. Andrew the Apostle in Rożnowice was built in the 18th century; it is one of the best examples of the use of the Baroque form in wooden sacral architecture. The building is adorned with 18th-century painted decorations with floral and geometric motifs. The late Baroque interior decoration is emphasised with the wooden imitation columns that support flattened arcade arches and a wavy rainbow beam. The three Rococo altars are noteworthy: the main altar (with rotating alcoves with sculptures of the Virgin Mary with Child, Christ of Sorrows, Resurrected Christ and St. Andrew), altar of St. Anne, and the altar of Our Lady of Częstochowa, most likely from the 19th century. The tower is worth noting: it consists of several floors separated by canopies. The church suffered a major fire in 1992. The fire completely consumed the tower, while the walls and interior of the church survived.
The Church of St. Andrew and St. Anne, Rożnowice