The Bracka Hall is the smaller of the two stately halls of the Celestat (from the German: Zielstätte – shooting range) – the seat of the Bractwo Kurkowe Shooting Society, an organisation that trained burghers in the use of weapons and defence of Kraków's fortifications in the Old Polish period (due to the lack of a permanent garrison in the city). Originally (until 1794), the seat of the society was located near the old Mikołajska gate. Currently, it is one of the branches of the Museum of Kraków. The Bracka Hall presents one of the parts of the 'Bractwo Kurkowe of Kraków and City Defence' exhibition, which shows the current activities of the Shooting Society: portraits of the 'shooting kings' ('królowie kurkowi'), medals, distinctions, mementos connected to events important to the society and festivals from all around Europe, and certificates of recognition from the city authorities of Kraków.
Bracka Hall Celestat, Kraków