Interior of a House Near Krakow

This cosy interior was conceived by ethnographers. It was designed to give the illusion of being in a real rural house. The layout of the room, the furnishings and decorations used (or based on original ones) and the smell of milk, probably no longer perceptible today, were supposed to convince us of this. Milk was what the creator of the floral patterns on the ceiling and on the stove, Rozalia Zaród, used to mix her paints. She was asked to paint everything exactly like she would do it in her home in Kłyż, one of the places famous for their tradition of decorating walls with floral patterns. On the wall opposite the entrance, you can see a photo of the painter at work in this interior back in 1951. Her tools can be found on the stove and include cow-hair brushes, which were used to paint one hundred and eighteen floral motifs. Check them out; each of them is different.

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