Classroom, Ethnographic Museum, Krakow

Izba Szkolna z drewnianymi zielono-brązowymi ławkami, czarną tablicą i zielonym kaflowym piecem.

The classroom is arranged in such a way as to evoke the reality of the 1930s. The majority of objects you can see here were obtained by the Museum during the preparation of the exhibition titled ‘Szkoło! Szkoło! Gdy cię wspominam…’ (‘School! School! Whenever I think About You…’). Were it not for putting out the call for the collection of school memorabilia, many of these things would probably have already disappeared.  For example, the benches brought from Długopol near Nowy Targe were saved from being burned.  You can sit on them but you are unlikely to feel comfortable. A bench is, after all, an element of the school discipline, and it is not the only one at this exhibition. There are also beanbags on which the disobedient were supposed to kneel, a leather whip to beat naughty children…. It is good to know that you can just leave the narrow bench at any time.

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