Renewal, Ethnographic Museum, Krakow

Krzyżyki z wierzbowych gałązek ozdobione bubułą

The first bolt of lightning pierces the earth. The spring starts. This is the time of purification and cleaning because space is needed for new life to appear. Strength, dormant in the winter numbness, is also necessary. This is why spring rituals include cold water and willow twigs – they are supposed to stimulate life. It is amazing how quickly dry, seemingly dead twigs can grow leaves and roots when supplied with water and warmth. They are harbingers of spring revival. The Easter palm carried into church a week before Easter, on Palm Sunday, cannot do without them. The consecrated palms were used to make crosses, which were stuck into the ploughed earth to ask for blessings and divine protection for the crops. Placed at home and in farm buildings, they were supposed to protect them from lightning strikes and to protect people and animals from disease.

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