Parish Museum, Limanowa

Muzeum Parafialne

The museum was opened in 1988 in the Pilgrim House at the Limanowa Sanctuary. It stores gifts offered by pilgrims coming to the Basilica of Our Lady of Sorrows from all parts of the world. The museum’s collections include dresses for Our Lady of Sorrows including a coronation cloak of 1966 and a recoronation cloak of 1983. The museum also presents images of the Mother of God in the form of sculptures, paintings coming from roadside shrines as well as commemorative medals, pendants and medallions from Marian Shrines. The collection also includes souvenirs offered by missionaries from places where they have worked. The papal display contains personal objects and a candle from the chapel of the Holy Father. The main display case presents personal belongings and liturgical robes of Bishop Piotr Bednarczyk. Another noteworthy display case is dedicated to Colonel Józef Joniec and contains documents, sermons, sketches, decorations, and his uniform and liturgical vestments. Religious paintings by local artists are presented on the walls and above the display cases; some of the paintings also depict historical events in Limanowska Land and Stations of the Cross transferred from the previous wooden church.


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