Museum of Photography, Kraków

The Museum of Photography in Kraków has existed for more than 30 years and is the only public institution in Poland dedicated to the medium of photography. The Museum's premises have been expanded to best meet the needs of the visiting public and to provide the collection with the highest level of preservation and protection. The collection, which currently contains just under 70,000 items, consists of both positives and negatives, examples of traditional photography and photographic equipment, and darkroom and cinematic tools. You will discover excellent examples of reportage, studio, artistic, documentary, technical, and amateur photography. The diversity of the collection and its multiplicity of contexts are the main strengths of this unique museum. Within it are the creators who were very important to the development and continuation of Polish photography together with a large group of lesser-known artists representing craftsman-like photography as well as the work of  anonymous photographers. The new locations of the Museum at 16 Józefitów Street and at 22 Rakowicka Street in Kraków will be open and accessible to all in 2020 and 2021.

Correspondence address: Muzeum Fotografii w Krakowie, pl. Jana Nowaka Jeziorańskiego 3, 31-154 Kraków.

Educational offering and visiting: tel. (12) 634-59-32 ext. 31

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