The original building, partially rebuilt, has been preserved to this day at number 10, Kilińskiego Street in Stary Sącz. It is a single-floor residential building with a pass-through hallway and two-track interior layout built in 1839, with an original architectural style resembling late Baroque. The exterior outline of this original house and some parts of its internal arrangement as well as decorative details of the gate have been reconstructed. The largest two rooms on both sides of the pass-through hallways have been made to look like a potter’s workshop. The main attraction is a double pottery table with foot-operated wheels used for the turning of pots made of moist, pliable, raw clay. The second room houses a reconstruction of a historical kiln for the firing of pots and a collection of fired pottery. A printing shop with a paper mill can be seen in the hallway to the left of the entrance.
The Potter, Galician Town, Nowy Sącz