Łososina Church

Kościół rzymskokatolicki - Łososina Dolna

The single-nave wooden church of St Peter and St Paul, boarded vertically on the outside, was built in 1739. In the second half of the 18th century, a tower was added to the west side of the nave. It is covered by a bulbous tented roof with a lantern crowned by a ‘makowiczka’ and a wrought-iron cross. The chancel and nave are surrounded by ‘soboty’ – low canopies supported by pillars. A vestry with a church porch is located on the northern side of the chancel. The polychrome on the walls is figural and ornamental in character, while the ceiling additionally has patronal elements. The polychrome was designed by Maria Ritter. A Rococo polychrome from the second half of the 18th century, depicting figures of angelic heralds and architectural motifs of Sącz temples, has survived on the choir’s forecourt. There is an early 20th-century organ in the choir. Below are two exceptionally interesting Rococo confessionals with paintings on the subject of the confession, in which the dominant figure is St. John of Nepomuk, the patron of confessors. There are five altars in the church. The late-Baroque main altar has a Crucifixion Group in the central part and on the sides, paintings of scenes from the lives of the church’s patron saints. The side altars by the chancel entrance are also Baroque in style. The left one features a depiction of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. The main section of the right one – a painting of St. Joseph with Child. On the sides are sculptures of St. Anthony and St. Stanisław the Bishop. Two more side altars stand by the walls of the nave. On the right one is a bas-relief depicting Our Lady of the Rosary being adored by St. Dominic and St. Catherine of Siena. The altar on the left features a depiction of St. Sebastian. Additionally, the church’s furnishings include a stone baptismal font with a carved wooden lid depicting the Baptism of Christ, two stone stoups, an eclectic collegiate pew, and late 18th-century guild and folk oil paintings on canvas from the church in Tylicz depicting the Stations of the Cross.

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