Poor Man’s Croft from Kamienica

Dating from 1869, the homestead – the dwelling of a village weaver –   consists of a single building and is very small. It has an L-shaped floor plan. One of its arms constitutes the residential part and the other the farming part. Smoke escapes from the kitchen through a hole in the wall into a primitive plank chimney installed in the entryway. Weaving was one of the most widespread non-agricultural activities in the Goral region. In this area, it was a man’s occupation, but women sometimes worked in the workshop. Cloth of various thicknesses was woven from linen (sometimes with the addition of hemp) for shirts and other garments, as well as for sheets and sacks. Sheep’s wool was also woven into cloth, which was felted and then used to make cloth for breeches or blankets. In the room, there is a workshop with warp thread and all the tools needed for weaving. In front of the building is a garden with a shrine on a wooden pole, crowned with three towers with crosses, characteristic of the Kamienica Gorczańska valley.

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