On the left wall of the chancel is an early 17th-century painting of St. Anne. At the bottom of the painting you can see adoring figures: representatives of the Church with the Pope at the head and representatives of the Polish Republic of the time with King Zygmunt III Waza, Lanckorona starost Mikołaj Zebrzydowski and his wife, Dorota. On the south side there is a painting from around 1700 depicting the miracle of St. Anthony of Padua. It is a copy of one of the most valuable works in the Kalwaria sanctuary by Franciszek Lekszycki. On the chancel ceiling and on the walls are polychrome paintings from the 1950s. The ceiling shows a realistic depiction of God the Father, while the walls show the sacrifices offered by Cain and Abel on the left, and on the right is a depiction of the patriarch Moses. On the south side of the main nave is an 1864 painting of the Crucified Christ. The reredos is crowned with a depiction of St. Rosalia of Palermo. The second Rococo side altar has a painting of Madonna and Child with Saint Anne.
Paintings and Polychrome in the Church, Lanckorona