The last room contains ‘Ołtarze historii’ (Altars of history). Wołkowski was a patriot and combined modern art with native traditions, and folk art with and high art. He referred to the national literature, so characters from many epics were models for the artist's works. To the left, we can see a portrait of ‘Sułkowski na koniu’ (Sułkowski on Horseback) and, in the front, there is the ‘Orzeł polski’ (Polish Eagle) wall composition commemorating the Warsaw Uprising: the artist arranged the symbol of Fighting Poland and the figures of insurgents with rifles within the silhouette of an eagle with outstretched wings. The exhibition continues with installations called Altars of History by Wołkowski. They are linked to great battles. To the right, there are two huge swords complemented with portraits and stones from the fields of Grunwald. In the corner of the room, we can see a powerful structure referring to the Battle of Vienna with the most characteristic element being the wings of the hussars. Soil from the Kahlenberg hill underlines the whole installation.
Next to it, there are portraits from novels: ‘Ogniem i mieczem’ (With Fire and Sword) and ‘Pan Wołodyjowski’ (Colonel Wolodyjowski). There is ribald Zagłoba, Kmicic, crowned Jagiello, Jadwiga, heads of Witold, a Turk and a knight from the Teutonic Order. On the wall by the to the veranda, there is a tapestry titled 'Kłosy’ (Spikes) and the 'Renesansowa’ (Renaissance) tapestry next to it.
Finally, you can see the portrait of Boruta in the corridor – this devil from near Łęczyca was somewhat ridiculously rendered by an artist with a pitchfork the size of a small fork.