Gorce National Park covers the central part of Gorce that has the highest natural value. The protected Carpathian Forest is located in the area. The lower subalpine floor is dominated by the Carpathian beech with a high proportion of old-growth forests. The highest inclines are covered by the upper alpine spruce forest where dynamic processes of forest dying out and recovery are currently taking place due to many factors: long-lasting droughts, the bark beetle and hurricane winds. The Carpathian Forest in GNP is home to rare animals such as wolves and lynxes and numerous bird species. The landscape of the Park features many glades created as a result of a few hundred years of pastoral farming, grazing and mowing of the land obtained after forest clearing and inhabited by rare plant species. To preserve the natural and landscape value of the glades, active protection measures have been taken, such as mowing and cultural grazing of sheep. The management of the Gorce National Park and the Education Centre are located in the historical manor park of the Earls Wodzicki. An educational path titled ‘Manor Park of the Earls Wodzicki – Chabówka Mountain’ has been marked out here.
Gorce National Park, Poręba Wielka