Museum of the History of Tylicz

The Museum of the History of Tylicz is located in the building of the former town hall, which currently houses the Rural Cultural Centre. The museum exhibitions are spread across several rooms. The first is the gallery, where we can admire sculptures by living and deceased Tylicz artists, Polish and Lemko regional clothing, a unique violin made by the Tylicz luthier Marcin Kozick, the so-called ‘barankowa’ shawl, or the famous men’s tights. In the second room, we can see an exhibition of copies of documents from the 16th to the 20th century, a Tylicz wardrobe, and a dowry chest made without the use of nails. The next room is the Bar Confederates room, where there is a cannonball from the Bar Confederate trenches. In addition, exhibits from the First and Second World Wars can be seen there. In the next room, there is a sacral corner and glass display cases, where you can see Polish and Lemko missals, a copy of the books of the town of Tylicz, court books or a ‘kurkowy’ pistol from the times of the Bar Confederates. The next rooms are dedicated to the craft guilds which used to operate in Tylicz. Here you can see elements of a weaver’s workshop, as well as the workbenches of a watchmaker, leatherworker, shoemaker, and carpenter. Additionally, there are everyday items and a sports corner, where you can see an interesting sledge from the World Championship in Krynica-Zdrój and a wooden bicycle wheel. In addition, in the Museum of the History of Tylicz you can admire an exhibition of photographs from 1900 onwards, as well as innovative art prints made by Maciej Strumiłło, who donated them to the Museum on the 650th anniversary of Tylicz.

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