Museum of the History of Tylicz

When visiting the area around Tylicz and Krynica-Zdrój, motorised tourists can follow the car trail, which starts in Krynica-Zdrój. The first information board is located on the Deptak (promenade) in the town centre. Next, the tourist is directed towards Tylicz, where under the Huzary mountain at the entrance to the red and green trails (next to the ‘Huzar’ holiday house), the history of the Huzara and Piszczelanka mountains and the Pułaski Kopiec Hill is described. The next stop is the ‘famous seat of the Confederates’ – Tylicz, where you can visit the Tylicz History Museum with Confederate memorabilia and see the painting of St. Barbara, which was a gift from Gen. Pułaski for the Tylicz church. From Tylicz, the trail heads to Muszynka, site of St John’s Orthodox Church, and in it, an altar of St. Barbara, which comes from the Trenches near Muszynka. From Muszynka, the trail goes through Tylicz, Mochnaczka and further to Berest, where there is an icon of Our Lady of Izba, before which General Pułaski prayed, and which, according to legend, saved his life several times. From Berest through Krzyżówka we return to Krynica Zdrój. Tourists who prefer hiking can follow the hiking trail that starts in Muszynka. After seeing the altar of St. Barbara in the local church, the trail heads to the Bar Confederate Trenches near Muszynka. On each of the information boards is a paragraph or two of the rules and regulations of the Confederate troops from the Camp near Muszynka. After visiting the Trenches, following the blue gorget signs we arrive at the border where the Polish trail joins the Slovakian red (border) trail. Until recently, when you climbed to the top of the 811m Jawor mountain, which was not forested, you could enjoy beautiful views of the Bardejov and the Tatras. The trail continues along the border, where the most beautiful section of the trail begins. Magnificent views of the Polish and Slovak sides continue for several kilometres to Tylicz.

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