The first room houses copies of Hussars’ armour, sabres and weapons used in Poland in the old times, made according to old models. As early as the times of Bishop Radziwiłł, Świątniki Górne was one of the largest metalsmithing centres in Poland, with a reputation for the handcrafting of padlocks. The showcases contain a collection of padlocks, lock mechanisms, fittings, and wrought iron components that used to decorate gates and doors. There are pipe padlocks and ordinary home padlocks as well as code locks and padlocks that can ‘cut off the thief’s fingers’. Marshal Józef Piłsudski also received a padlock made specially for him by Świątniki locksmiths as a token of their respect and gratitude. The room also contains exhibits from World War II and historical maps showing routes of Świątniki craftsmen and merchants who were venturing as far as the northern shores of Africa with their wares. A forged lamp of 1912 is a beautiful exhibit: the work of one of the first students at the Locksmithing School who later became its teacher and master of his trade, the author of a magnificent gate at the entrance to the school and a beautiful gryphon at its corner by the entrance to the Museum.
Hussars, Locksmithing Museum, Świątniki Górne