One of the rooms is dedicated to John Paul II’s pastoral visits to his homeland. On the walls are plaques with photographs and key words from each pilgrimage. The tablets contain programmes and reports from all the eight visits. The showcases display the memorabilia such as commemorative publications, prayer books distributed before masses with the Pope, meeting access cards, emblems, commemorative medals, gifts given to the Pope and pictures with the Pope’s blessings. Above the visitors’ heads hang replicas of about 70 banners and streamers prepared for the Pope’s visits. These events are also illustrated by wall graphics referring to the key highlights of the successive visits of John Paul II in Poland. The central place in this zone is occupied by a big screen showing a video with the famous speech delivered at the Zwycięstwa Square in Warsaw and the words: ‘Niech zstąpi Duch Twój! Niech zstąpi Duch Twój! I odnowi oblicze ziemi. Tej ziemi. Amen’ (‘May Your Spirit descend! May Your Spirit descend, and renew the face of the earth. This earth. Amen’).
Peace to You, Poland!