The outer bailey is located to the north-east of the upper castle. This area was initially occupied by unspecified wooden housing, outbuildings and service structures related to the operation of the castle. Fragments of the foregate from the turn of the 14th century are oldest parts of the outer bailey. It mostly likely consisted of a detached gatehouse with a passageway for carts and a wicket gate for pedestrians, a deep moat cut in the rock in front of the gate and a wooden bridge over it. Significant changes to the defence system were made in the 15th century. The foregate complex previously protruding from the body of the upper castle was connected to the defence walls surrounding the Lipowiec fortress. This was how a ring was created around the upper castle to improve its defences. Towards the end of the same century the outer bailey was surrounded with its own walls with a gate on the northern side. This resulted in the creation of a fortified residential complex on Lipowiec hill, with an outer bailey and an uninterrupted line of peripheral walls. Another, minor modernisation of the foregate complex was completed in the 16th century. Stone pillars were constructed at the bottom of the significantly shallower moat in place of the wooden bridge structure. The wicket gate was removed from the gatehouse and the internal stairs to the upper floor were built in that place as suggested by subsequent written sources. The castle was destroyed in a fire in 1629 but its reconstruction was begun in the 1640s. This was when the bridge, the gatehouse and buildings in the outer bailey were repaired. The oldest preserved inventory of the Lipowiec castle that describes the condition of the stronghold comes from 1645. According to the inventory, the outer bailey included buildings such as a servants’ house with a bakery and a bread oven, a wooden house with a pantry and a brick cellar, two stables, a carriage house with a henhouse and two pigsties. There was also a vegetable garden and a small orchard with apple trees and nut trees. The remains of the walls and foundations of these buildings can be seen today in the northern part of the outer bailey. The latest and most fundamental changes were introduced in this part of the castle in the 1720s when the stronghold was used as a correction house for the clergy. The foregate complex was entirely demolished: the moat was filled in, the bridge removed and the gatehouse demolished. However, the outer bailey retained its previous utilitarian nature. Open-air events are held there today, such as the Tournament of Knights, the Witch and Sorceress Rally, and numbers of others. There are also workshops on archery and medieval plebeian dances and games.
Outer Bailey, Lipowiec Castle, Wygiełzów