Refectory, Lipowiec Castle, Wygiełzów

Izba zamkowa z zakratowanym oknem i drewnianymi stołami i ławami.

The refectory (a former courtiers’ chamber) is one of the more spacious rooms in the castle.  Its name comes from the Latin refectorium (Lat. reficere – to renovate) meaning a dining room. Lipowiec was owned by Krakow bishops, which is why the place where meals were eaten had a traditional name used in monasteries. At the entrance to the refectory, on the left, are the remains of the fireplace that was used to heat the room. Also note the double barrel vault preserved in an excellent condition and deep window recesses that show the more than two-metre thick walls of the castle. On the left side of the room is a narrow corridor leading directly to the castle kitchen. Today, the refectory is a place where tourists can have a meal, relax and listen to the history of the castle as told by the guide.

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