The ‘From the Past of Harcerstwo in Biecz’ exhibition presents the history of the harcerstwo – the scouts – in Biecz in chronological order, starting with the organisation’s establishment by the local pharmacist and social activist Witold Fusek in 1911. The principles of the scout movement, originating in England in 1908, took root in Poland very quickly, spreading through cities and towns of the whole of Galicia. The scout team in Biecz took the name of Zbój Becz ('Becz Bandit'), the legendary founder of the city. The team's core was made up of young craftsmen. Pharmacy MSc Witold Fusek became the team leader. Scouts swore by a solemn oath: ‘We vow to develop into good Poles and brave people in our scouting team. We want to serve our unhappy motherland and to convert our brothers who became unhappy due to cards, tobacco, and alcohol.’ (‘Ślubujemy w drużynie skautowej kształcić się na dobrych Polaków i dzielnych ludzi. Pragniemy służyć ojczyźnie naszej nieszczęśliwej i braci naszych, którzy przez karty, tytoń i alkohol stali się nieszczęśliwymi, nawracać.’) The exhibition presents a number of archival materials and memorabilia of the boys' and girls' scouting teams of Biecz. Thanks to the courage of the people associated with the scouts, a rich collection of materials was hidden and has survived the Second World War. Well-kept scout chronicles documenting the time from 1911 to 1935 and chronicles of particular scouting teams containing detailed information about the team's life have survived. The exhibition was enriched by paintings made by scouts, who later became noted painters: Wiesław Fusek, Władysław Gutkowski, and Władysław Jachimowicz.
From the Past of the Harcerstwo (Polish Scouts) in Biecz