Rooms adjoining the narrow corridor were used by the clergymen coming to Lipowiec for retreats or to do penance for sins. These rooms may have been created in connection with the partial rearrangement of castle interiors introduced in the 16th century by bishops Jan Konarski and Andrzej Zebrzydowski. These works were probably linked to the turbulent period of the reform movement and religious innovations. They were aimed at increasing the number of penance and prison cells in order to isolate those with different religious views. One of such persons was Franciszek Stankar, an Italian by origin who was sent here to serve his sentence of penance in 1550, and his confinement in Lipowiec reverberated throughout Europe at the time. He was a lecturer at the Krakow Academy among others and one of the leading ideologists of the Reformation. Thanks to the help of supporters of the religious reform and his protectors, Stankar managed to escape and found shelter with his influential friends. Even during his stay in Lipowiec, he started to work on a paper on reforming the Church in Poland. After his escape from the stronghold, he finished the book and published it in Krakow in 1552. It was considered a heretical work and the entire edition was burned – only a few pages survived to our times in the collection of the Jagiellonian Library in Krakow. The current layout of the rooms originated in the 1st half of the 18th century when Lipowiec was transformed into a correction house for the clergy. Each of the one-windowed, vaulted rooms was heated by separate stoves, operated from the corridor, that have survived to this day. The rooms had wooden floors and the windows were decorated with stained glass depicting Bishop Andrzej Załuski’s coat of arms. A latrine (a toilet) was located in an extension at the end of the corridor. A small exhibition available in one of the rooms shows what it might have looked like during Franciszek Stankar’s stay in Lipowiec. The plaque by the door to the cell tells the romantic and tragic legend related to his escape from the stronghold.
Upper Floor, Lipowiec Castle, Wygiełzów