White Lady, Dębno Castle

The Dębno Castle arouses interest with its centuries of history and interesting architecture, but also because of the legend of the bricked-up maiden, the White Lady. For many generations, there has been a legend about the apparition of a young girl seen in the castle chambers and passing through walls, accompanied by the ghost of a young man. If the legends are to be trusted – after all, there is a grain of truth in each one – it happened like this: a girl from the proud Tarło family was said to have fallen in love with her father’s handsome courtier, Janek. One night, the young couple met secretly in the castle chapel, where they swore fidelity to each other three times. When the truth came out, the girl was ordered to stop dishonouring her family as soon as possible. She could do this in one of two ways: by immediately marrying the candidate her family had chosen, or by dying not just any death, but a martyr’s death by being walled up alive. The girl chose death and, standing proudly, dressed in her wedding gown and endowed with a dowry, was immediately sealed off from the world of the living by a brick wall. But, as happens in such cases, the story became the starting point for a legend. After some time, disturbing phenomena were observed. Terrible wails and groans could be heard near the castle, people saw an apparition of a young and beautiful girl in white darting along the castle’s defensive walls and silently passing through the walls between rooms. They understood that it was the spirit of the unfortunate maiden coming from the afterlife to torment her family for having condemned her to eternal wandering.

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