There are symbols of the Jewish religion displayed in the room. On the laundry cupboard stand besamim containers, tower-shaped tins for spices, which are filled with herbs during Havdalah or the prayer that ends the Shabbat. Additionally, there are Shabbat candlesticks, a metal kiddush cup, a plate with six hollows used during the feast on which six different dishes are served to refer to the history of the Chosen People and the Talmud of 1882, a book that is a commentary on the Torah, the holy book of the Jews. This interior is arranged to display a room of a tailor, one of the professions characteristic for the Jews living in pre-war Oświęcim. The flat contains the ‘Singer’ sewing machine from 1913, old lace, threads, needles and different patterns of women's clothes drawn on tracing paper. You can see a collection of pre-war irons including a charcoal iron, a box iron and a much younger electric iron. The room is decorated by a hanging tapestry with poppy flowers from the 1930s as well as an embroidered linen bedspread and a bedcover from the same period, a Gustaw-Becker cabinet clock from the turn of the 20th century with a double chime every half-hour.
Jewish Apartment, Oświęcim Castle