Almost the entire complex, i.e., a house with a garden, a well and a small orchard, a utility building, a ground cellar for crops, have been in the same place since their construction (only the smithy was slightly relocated and reversed relative to its original position).
The early-20th-century utility building consists of a cowshed and ‘kumorka’, and a pass-through yard with a wide gate between them. So-called ‘kuce’ are at the back (with a gap for the gates) and on the sides. The ‘kumorka’ has a window that used to be an entrance. The last owner of the homestead, Maria Misiniec, lived in this room during the renovation of the cottage.
Next to the amphitheatre is a slope cellar (dugout) made of broken sandstone, with a semi-circular vaulted ceiling. It is covered with a gable roof made of laths. The entrance to the cellar used to be from today’s amphitheatre, and there was an attic on the other side. The cellar was mainly used for storing potatoes. A little further on stands a small domestic smithy for minor blacksmithing work – a wooden building with walls that were sealed with thin poles and moss, and a roof made of laths with wide eaves.