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Wiesław Sajdak's Shepherd's Hut in Wierchomla

Wiesław Sajdak's Shepherd's Hut in Wierchomla

Białe i szare owce wraz z juhasem na zboczu góry.

Wierchomla Wielka Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

Wiesław Sajdak has been running a shepherd's hut in Wierchomla for for several years. He has been engaged in shepherding for more than 30 years. And for all this time his sheep milk cheese products were always of the highest quality.

Wierchomla is a unique place in Beskid Sądecki, not far from the Jaworzyna Krynicka. It is a very well-known place frequented by skiers in winter, but also quite a lot of tourists come here in summer. While hiking, it is worth stopping by Wiesław Sajdak's shepherd's hut in Wierchomla.  'I used to help my father, and now my children help me', says the shepherd with a smile on his face. Sajdak's shepherd's hut is the last stand of oscypek in Wierchomla. Several shepherds used to pasture their sheep there, but since the area became attractive to tourists, the business has become unprofitable. Despite this, Sajdak cultivates the family tradition. 'Oscypki are sold to tourists and local residents. Conclusion?  You have to keep making oscypki, and there is no time for anything else', says Sajdak with a smile on his face. What is equally important is that oscypki and other sheep milk specialities have been prepared according to the same recipes for years, passed down through generations of the highlander family that lives in this part of Beskid Sądecki.  Perhaps this is the secret behind the fact that they are so good and tasty that their fame extends far beyond the near vicinity of the shepherd's hut.