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Rezerwat Biała Woda

Biała Woda

Pięć osób na koniach, które przechodzą przez strumień w Rezerwacie Białej Wody. Wokół sporo zieleni i skały.

Szczawnica Tourist region: Pieniny i Spisz

Biała Woda nature reserve, which can also be reached from Jaworek city centre, was established and open to the public in 1963, just like the Homole Gorge. This picturesque, almost woodless and wide land can be traversed via the yellow trail, which is perfectly adapted for tourists (with numerous benches and information points provided). The trail ends at the Rozdziele Pass which demarcates the natural borderline between the Sądecki Beskid and the Little Pieniny range and offers a beautiful panorama to end your journey.

The Valley is protected as a nature reserve; it is prepared both for hiking and cycling. Predominantly its bottom is flat; in the upper part it’s uneven and water flows this way only after downpours of rain. Then it passes by individual rock outcroppings, goes through the rocky bottom and small cascades. The final part becomes narrower and turns into Międzyskały Ravine.


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