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Jewish cemetery in Żabno

Jewish cemetery in Żabno

Polana z kilkunastoma starymi macewami, w większości pochylonymi, stojącymi w wysokiej trawie. Z tyłu budynki mieszkalne pomiędzy drzewami. Na niebie pierzaste chmury.

ul. Kościuszki 25, 33-240 Żabno Tourist region: Tarnów i okolice

The cemetery was founded at the end of the 17th century, shortly after the settlement of the Jews in the town.
Over the few centuries of its existence, a caretaker’s house and the funeral house were built in the cemetery. Also, an ohel was built, where the tombs of the Tzadik of Żabno, Elimelech Unger and his descendants were placed. During the times of the occupation, mass murders of the Jewish and Roma population took place in the cemetery. To this day, a significant number of macebas with rich, symbolic ornamentation of plants and animals have been preserved.

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