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St. Nicholas Church Tymowa

St. Nicholas Church Tymowa

Prezbiterium kościoła w Tymowej. Na pierwszym planie ambona. W tle ołtarz główny z obrazem świętego Mikołaja. Wnętrze bogato zdobione, barokowo-rokokowe w tonacji błękitnej i złotej, polichromowane.

Tymowa 4a, 32-863 Tymowa Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 146860525
The wooden church in Tymowa was founded in 1764, but the beginnings of the parish probably date back to the second half of the 13th century.
In 1913, the temple was rebuilt, got extended by approx. 7 meters, and low arcades were added to the nave walls from the outside. It was also then that the wall and ceiling got covered with polychromy inspired by the style of the Young Poland art movement. When inside the church, it is worth paying attention to the main altar and two side altars, made in the Baroque style in the second half of the 18th century. The main altar includes a painting of St. Nicholas – the patron of the temple. The Baroque baptismal font and the Rococo pulpit with images of the four Evangelists and the image of St. John the Baptist are also interesting. The carved rood on the chancel beam and the choir with the sill and organ also represent the Rococo style.