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Mt Miejska Limanowa

Mt Miejska Limanowa

Widok z lotu ptaka na panoramę miasta. Gęsto ustawione budynki a pośrodku płyta rynku. Po lewej kościół ze spiczastym dachem i kwadratową, wysoką wieżą. Za nim dużo budynków. Na wprost dalej wzgórze z budynkami pomiędzy drzewami. Nad nimi zalesione pasmo gór. Stoi na nim wysoki krzyż. Niebo z niewielkimi chmurami.

34-600 Limanowa Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy

The mountain (716 metres above sea level) rises above the town and is part of the Beskid Wyspowy. Together with the neighbouring Mt Łysa, it is part of the Łososińskie Range.

A cross, known as the Jubilee Cross, was erected on top of Town Hill in 1998–1999. Just as the cross on Mt Giewont ‘looks over the whole of Poland from the Tatra Mountains to the Baltic Sea’, the cross on Mt Miejska looks over the whole Limanowa region. The cross is 37 metres high with an arm span of 13 metres. It was the largest cross in Poland at the time of its construction. The entire structure weighs 350 tonnes. Limanowa architect Leszek Pilawski designed the cross. A viewing terrace was set up 4.5 metres above ground level, under which a shrine with a copy of the Miraculous Pieta of Limanowa was placed. There is an expansive view from the observation deck where you can admire the peaks of the Beskid Sądecki, the Pieniny, the Beskid Wyspowy and the jagged Tatra Mountains on the horizon. The blue and yellow hiking trails lead to Municipal Mountain. It is a very popular destination for Limanowa residents and tourists visiting the city.